Registration, Payment and Entry

The Regeistration opens 01.09.2024, 8 p.m. and closes at 30.09.2024, Midnight.

To be able to participate at the NFD, a paid and confirmed registration
is necessary. Please answer our questions truthfully, so that we are able to confirm
your Identity at the location. The payment due will be communicated via E-mail. You can pay either via
bank transfer or PayPal. Please note, it is important that the complete amount is paid within 7
days after registration.

You can choose between the following options during the registration

  • NFD 11 Ticket: 40€ (This is your basis entry fee for the NFD 11)
  • Supersponsor: 15€ (Great! You are helping us with your financial support. As a thank you, you will get a little present.)
  • Sponsor: 10€ (Equally great! You are helping us with your financial support.)
  • Fursuiter (Please tell us, whether you will bring you fursuit, this helps us to plan the Suiterlounge)
  • Vegetarian (This helps us to plan the vegetarian offerings at the buffet)

The registration has the following steps:

  • first you will send your data via the registration form to our
    REG-Team, you can find the link at the bottom of the page
  • you will receive a confirmation E-Mail that we received your order. In
    the E-Mail, you will find the amount of payment due and our
    bankinformation for bank transfer (if you chose the bank transfer
  • When the amount is fully paid, you will get a confirmation E-Mail that
    you are accredited, and your registration is complete.

To speed up the Entry at the location:
Please have your nickname and registrationnumber ready as well as an
official document with your name and picture (e.g. ID-card or drivers

If you want to upgrade your registration at the location (e.g. sponsor
or supersponsor), you can pay via card.

If you have problems, questions or feedback concerning our registration
process, mail us via

IMPORTANT: Please read our privacy policy carefully before registration: LINK
You can find our our terms and conditions here: LINK

Here is the Link for the Registration: LINK